Туристические поезда до Гатчины и Выборга будут курсировать все новогодние праздники, начиная с 29 декабря. Об этом сообщила пресс-служба администрации Гатчинского района со ссылкой на телеграм-канал «Объясняем. Ленинградская область».
Tourist trains will run between Saint Petersburg and Gatchina and Vyborg during the New Year holidays (from December 29th, 2023, to January 8th, 2024). A special launch event on December 29th will feature entertainment and a raffle on the Vyborg route. The "Lahta" service, expanding in 2025, will offer routes to these destinations from the Finnish and Baltic Railway Stations throughout the day.
Tourist trains will run between Saint Petersburg and Gatchina and Vyborg during the New Year holidays (from December 29th, 2023, to January 8th, 2024). A special launch event on December 29th will feature entertainment and a raffle on the Vyborg route. The "Lahta" service, expanding in 2025, will offer routes to these destinations from the Finnish and Baltic Railway Stations throughout the day.